Friday, January 23, 2009

Stuck in the blues....

Wow, I don't think I ever remember getting the "after Christmas blues" like I've had this year. Is anyone else feeling them? Please tell me I'm not alone. I thought maybe some nice fresh air would do me some good, but unfortunately there isn't any to be found around here. I just don't have the get-up-and-go yet. If any of you have extra's please oh please send some my way.
Love you all


ClistyB said...

so bad, i think i need medication, but i dont think it has anything to do with Christmas being over.

deesha said...

January is so depressing in Utah. I am spending my time baking more than usual, because what else is there to do but eat? And I have to admit that I love Valentine's Day. So I am looking forward to that.