OK, that's enough! No more winter blues. Time to move on to sunnier days. I am the kind of person that could be perfectly content to know exactly what is going to happen day after day in my life. I don't like change or surprises. And I am learning all too well that what happens in life is not always in our control. "Stuff" happens! And sometimes the "stuff" is not fun. We have always been taught to "Have Faith". Easy enough right? As I get older I realize that sometimes it's much easier to be Angry. It's ALOT of work to "Have Faith". So I am going to try "choosing" faith. To make a conscious effort to "Choose" to be cheerful, and strong and have faith whatever comes my way. So there! I have put pen to paper, (or hands to keyboard) and I'm ready for tomorrow. Besides Valentines is on it's way and I will make my scrumptious sugar cookies. mmmmmmmmm. Also my 20Th wedding anniversary is next month. And I will be reminded again how lucky I am to get to wake up next to my bestest friend every morning :)

Thanks for listening everyone....... 

Thanks for the compliment! I actually get all my fabric at JoAnn's!! There is a store in Salt Lake called The Cotton Shop - LOVE their fabrics, but I can't justify driving there all the time.
cute family pic!!
Having Faith is hard. Lucky for me I have one built in. Ha ha ha...
I love your sugar cookies. They're delish!!! I gotta get the recipe for those babies!
I am so glad your making that commitment!!!! What a beautiful outlook your adopting! Woohoo! Congrats on 20 years....we just celebrated 21 years on the 16th...I feel the same way you do to!
Hey I love, love, love that family photo! So gorgeous!!! I still haven't figured out how to add all that cute stuff to my blog...I am so computer challenged! Have a really happy day!
I LOVE your cute family photo. You are gorgeous and I love your hair! I'm with you - faith is HARD!!! Just tell me what the script is and I'll do my best to stick to it!
I am back to NY just in time for below 20 degree weather. I get spring fever realllllly bad. My parents used to just hate when I got that good weather itch, I was almost unbearable. Spring comes late here and so our trip to Utah was just the pick me up I needed. Thanks for making the long drive so often, it was so fun to see you and let Joshua and Porter torture each other! Hope the sun is shinning on you today!
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