Thursday, September 25, 2008

20 years.....

Look at the babies. Our 20Th year high school reunion is tomorrow. I got an email from one of my old classmates. Someone set up a website for all of the alumni. It has been so fun to check it out and see some pictures of them now. Not very many people have signed up and to tell the truth I don't recall many of them that have. And NO we are not going to the reunion. Maybe 50 pounds ago I might have. It is fun to remember those times though.
This picture was of me and James in the library.
Could my hair be any frizzier?
Me cheering "GO FARMERS!!!!!"
can you find me????
Blond was definitely in baby!

how silly of me to write this..... I was a total geek

Don'tcha wish you boyfriend was hot like mine??? Don'tcha


J said...

April -

I can't believe you aren't coming to the reunion....

It would be so great to catch up with you and James. I was hoping that you could tell me about his book, it sounds very interesting.

Hope you reconsider!


Momma Ballou said...
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deesha said...

Thanks so much for sharing those pictures! I didn't know you were high school sweethearts! I totally remember the big hair and writing on pictures (why did we do that?) It was fun to see you as a blonde too! You guys are still a cute couple!

sharon said...

I remember those fun days. You're both still cuties! Hope your super saturday is a great success.

Love mom

West Family said...

No Way! You should totally do this for halloween! Do you think James would do a mohawk for the occasion? I am sure with enough hairspray you could get your hair to do that again! So cute!

West Family said...

I don't know about the baby brother thing and I also don't remember Mariah eating cat food at your house. You must have left that part out:) THanks for the comments, it is so fun to keep in touch!

Post a picture of Porter, I don't want Joshua to forget him