Sunday, February 24, 2008

Memory lane part #2

James moved to Utah from Iowa in 1985 during our sophomore year of high school. He was a football player and a wrestler. I was a spunky cheerleader. (I know what you're all thinking- NO WAY!) Yes it's true. Those were the days. We dated all through high school. We were young and very stupid. So we broke up a lot. During these times I would usually through away every picture I had. (I was such the drama queen) So sadly, I don't have as many pictures as I would like. I cherish the ones we do have.
Here are a couple for your enjoyment...
James was an awesome wrestler.
What a Fox!


Hollyween said...

April, you're a hottie in that cheerleader uniform! Oh, and I cannot BELIEVE you ripped up pictures during your breakups!! That is PRICELESS! But so sad that now you don't have them!! I think I had a couple of those moments myself...

Jennie said...

How fun to have the pics you DO have. You both look so 80's! Makes me feel like high school again! Waiting for more memories!!